Saturday, 31 March 2012

Les Miserables Work Experience

Lacking Internet whilst away has resulted in me writing this after instead of as i went along.

Starting at 1.30 i was told to meet at the stage door behind the Queens Theatre. I was slightly nervous at the thought of what I'd be doing and whether or not i would be of help or hindrance.  Meeting the Wardrobe supervisor at the door she took me on a tour of the theatre and backstage.  Where all the dressing rooms are for the principles and swing.  We continued backstage and looked at the staging areas to the side of the stage.  Surprisingly they were very small not enough room when you have actors changing there, wigs being put on and stage management around as well.  For such a big production i was very surprised at the size of the backstage area and until i see it can;t work out how everyone fits.  We couldn't go onto the stage as there was a rehearsal for the new Valjean as the current one will finish at the end of the week.
After this i was shown to the costume department which like in many theatres was at the top of the theatre.  Again relatively small though very organised between two rooms, one workroom with washing machines, dryers, sewing stuff, organised boxes of corset lacing, material, socks, gloves, whilst the other room was where some of the costumes were held that had been washed and each cubby hole for e4ach actors items that are washed daily such as socks, mic belts, bloomers, stockings, bras etc.  I was told that anything directly on skin was washed daily so that its clean when put on. Other costumes washed weekly or when the dressers say that its a bit dirty.

My first task was to sew in some Velcro onto the men's shirts so that they could be used for quick changes.  One was already started so i finished that one and repeated another including this time taking off the buttons and stitching them to the front.  It was very organised and gave me an insight into the ways in which a wardrobe maintenance department works.  It was very organised and they had a list of jobs that come up from the dressers or actors that need to be done and are written in a diary for the wardrobe to follow.  My last thing of the afternoon was that i went to the cobblers with the supervisor to take some shoes in for repair.  She also showed many fabric shops that they visit regularly that i didn't know existed.

In the evening i arrived back at 6 after my break and helped do the pre set for Valjean and Javert.  A lot of the changes happen at the side of the stage so a lot of their costumes were set up there.  he dresser places them in order of usages with the last costume on the chair firsts and the more recent placed on top.  It seemed to be quit a stressful Plot line as the girl was covering for another dresser and said it was a hard one as there is a lot of running around. 

I had the pleasure to watch the show that night in the sound box which was good.  I have seen it before but even after only an afternoon you see it in a completely different light as you know some of what goes on behind the scenes.  I thoroughly enjoyed the show everyone in it was very good and the cover for Valjean was incredible.